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LJAWF Artist - Octopus

Artist INFO

Paintbrush and pallet
Pink Stars


  • Application Window - apply anytime from December 10, 2024 - May 12, 2025 

  • Application Deadline - May 12, 2025

  • Jury Window - May 13 - 23, 2025

  • Application Notification Date - May 28, 2025

  • Booth Purchase Deadline - 1 week after receiving acceptance notification 

  • Artist Load-in - October 10, 2025

  • Festival Dates - October 11-12, 2025




Curious about what it’s like to showcase your art at LJAWF? Hear directly from past artists about their experience at the festival! 

Read artist testimonials here.


The La Jolla Art and Wine Festival is a juried fine art show. We only accept fine artists from the following mediums: Photography, Painting, 2D Mixed Media, 3D Mixed Media, Jewelry, Ceramics, Glass, Fiber, Sculpture, Wearable Art, Woodwork, Printmaking, Watercolor, Drawing. 


We do not accept crafts, anything that is manufactured, or anything not made by hand. 


If you are still unsure about whether you are eligible to apply for our festival, email



What are this year's festival dates?

  • Saturday, October 11 to Sunday, October 12, 2025

Why should I participate in this show?

  • The La Jolla Art & Wine Festival will be in the heart of the village of La Jolla, surrounded by upscale galleries and stores.

  • LJAWF has partnered with the La Jolla Village Merchants Association, so we expect merchants to invite their clientele to the show.

  • The show raises money for public schools.


How can I access details about the LJAWF's terms and conditions?

  • For a complete list of terms and conditions, please check the Zapplications application page. For your convenience, we have provided some of the terms and conditions here for you to view.


How can I apply for the Festival?

  • Applications will be available through Zapplications. Artists must register with ZAPP and create a free profile to apply for the LJAWF.

  • LJAWF has a non-refundable $42 application fee.

  • ​Access the 2025 ZAPP Application here.


How can I increase my chances of being accepted?

  • The application deadline is May 12. Booth space is limited and it is best to apply early! Booths sold out in 10 days in 2024.

  • Provide a clear and detailed artist statement to describe the methods, materials, and inspiration for your art.

  • Ensure that your artwork shows well in the images: clarity and detail are more important than mood lighting. 

  • Be sure to include the price point of each image of artwork included in the application. 

  • Present a booth image that shows clearly how you arrange and organize your work in an outdoor festival. The jurors like to see the scale of your work and continuity of style.



  • Artists must follow all current San Diego County, San Diego City, CDC, and LJAWF guidelines for COVID-19 at the time of the event in September 2025.

  • Artists agree not to attend the event if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or if exposed to another individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19.


Who are the judges selecting the awards for the LJAWF?

  • Local gallery representatives, artists, and LJAWF representatives. 


How will I know if I am accepted?

  • Acceptance notification emails will be sent on May 28, 2025. 

  • Emails will be sent to the email address provided in your Zapp application. It is important that you provide the correct email address so that you do not miss important communication. 


What should I do if I am accepted?

  • Upon notification of acceptance through email, artists must go to the LJAWF website to select and pay for their booth. Further information will be provided in the acceptance email.

  • To confirm their spot, artists must select their booth and pay the booth fee in full, within one week of receiving their acceptance email notification

  • DOUBLE CHECK that you are buying the correct booth space BEFORE payment. We will not change your booth number once the payment has been processed.  

  • Booths will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. This will result in a random spread of artist booths. 

  • Accepted artists should take advantage of special, discounted hotel rates offered to exhibiting artists. A list of discounted hotels will be available on the LJAWF website for artists.


How will people know who I am at the festival?

  • The festival program will contain a map of the street and a corresponding key connecting the booth number to your name.

  • Each booth will be provided with a booth label that includes the artists’ name and booth number. Artists will be required to hang this in a prominent and visible place on their booth. 


What will be included in the artist packet?

  • Accepted artists will receive an electronic artist packet prior to festival load-in.

  • The digital packet will include the following items: 

    • load-in/load-out instructions

    • load-in/load-out map

    • Artist parking information

    • lunch menu to order from local restaurants

  • Please print a copy of this packet if you require a hard copy.


Where do I stay during the festival? 

  • Please review our list of hotel recommendations. 


What does my booth fee include?

  • LJAWF provides the space from which to sell, but all artists must bring their own clean white tent. All booth displays must be professional.

  • Artists are provided with laminated booth signage (which lists your name and booth number), parking information, booth sitters, and hotel referrals.

  • The festival provides 24-hour roving security the weekend of the festival.


During what hours of the festival am I required to be in my tent?

  • Artists are required to man their booths during festival hours on both Saturday, October 11th and Sunday, October 12th.

  • Artists may not pack up prior to closing time. Artists that do not follow this rule will not be invited back.


Where will I go if I need to ask questions or schedule a booth sitter during the festival?

  • LJAWF provides an Artists' Cove as an exclusive snack area for artists.

  • This area will be staffed with volunteers that can assist you with scheduling a "booth sitter” and answering questions. 


Can I embellish my booth?

  • The LJAWF encourages artist creativity in booths. However, please note that extended signs, tables, flags, umbrellas, chairs or other items will NOT be allowed beyond your designated tent space due to fire lane regulations. 


Do you provide overnight security?

  • Artists are responsible for the security of their belongings at all times.

  • LJAWF provides 24-hour roving security the weekend of the festival.


Booth Information

  • The space for a single booth is 10’ x 10’ and the space for a double booth is 10’ x 20.’ 

  • All artists must bring their own clean white tent. All booth displays must be professional.    


Booth Payment  

  • Booth selection is not final until payment is received. The easiest, fastest way to purchase your booth is via our online payment portal. 

  • Artists will receive a payment link to purchase their booth in their acceptance email.


Hotel Information

  • Hotel information will be available on the LJAWF website under Visitors.


Seller’s Permit and Contract

  • Exhibitors are responsible for establishing their own merchant accounts for collecting payment. Artists must have all legally required resale permits to participate in the LJAWF. Artists are solely responsible for collecting monies for works sold and for payment of taxes to any city, county, state, or federal agency. Artists must have their permit onsite during the Festival. All Artists are required by the State of California to file a Sales & Use Tax Return. 

  • For more information on obtaining a seller’s permit, please visit:



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